Find a Reiki Teacher


Choosing a Reiki Teacher – The start of an exciting journey!

If you have made the exciting decision to study Reiki – and maybe even become a Reiki Practitioner – then you are in the right place!
Reiki Guild South Africa has a variety of very qualified Teachers to choose from.  New Teachers join the Guild weekly!  Check back often to find a Teacher near you.

Choosing a Reiki Teacher is a very personal choice and as a prospective student, it is important that you make the right choice and ask the right questions.  There is a Teacher for every student – trust your intuition for who feels like the right fit for you.

Here are some questions that you could ask:

  • How long have you been working with Reiki?
  • What training have you had?
  • How often do you teach and how long have you been teaching?
  • How do you personally use Reiki in your daily life?
  • Do you still have an active practice where you see clients?
  • What is your lineage?
  • Will this training initiate me into, or progress me within the Usui lineage? If not, then which lineage is it a part of?
  • What are the prerequisites for the various levels of Reiki and do I require any qualifications for taking your Training?
  • What do you cover in your classes? How many hours of class time is included? How much time is instructional, and how much is hands on practice?
  • Do you have any testimonials from past students? What do past students have to say about your teaching style and the benefits of Reiki?
  • What are the specific things I will be able to do after taking the training?
  • What are your fees, and will I receive a certificate and a manual?
  • How many symbols will I learn?
  • Will you openly support me in being a successful Reiki Practitioner or Master or Master Teacher?
  • Do you mentor and support prospective Reiki Master Teachers?
  • Do you have a positive respectful attitude toward other Reiki Practitioners and Masters, regardless of lineage or affiliation?


All of our Teachers listed below have committed to adhere to our Code of Conduct & Ethics.  As we are passionate about keeping the standards of Reiki high, we also offer a service for complaints.  If for any reason you feel that any of our Teachers are not abiding by our Code of Conduct & Ethics, please email


Find a Teacher near you


Click on the Province below to find a Teacher near you:

Free State
Kwa-Zulu Natal
Western Cape

Teachers from all other Provinces are welcome and their details and Province will be added when they sign up.

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